Floor Hockey Skills Championship

One of the hardest things to get students and athletes to understand is that basic floor hockey skills, and the practicing of those skills, is the key to success when it comes to the actual game.  A great way to encourage students to focus on specific sport skills is to use a Team Skills Championship.

When I teach floor hockey to students, we focus on good passing, accurate shooting, and controlled dribbling.  So, for our Skills Championship, we focus each station in the competition on one of those skills.  I recommend at least 6 stations for this event. I also recommend that before the “official championship” you take a class period or two to allow students the opportunity to practice at each station.

Cross Curricular Floor Hockey

I like to add some cross-curricular to this activity as well. At each station student teams will be required to determine their team average.  Try to keep 3 to a team, this all depends on the size of your classes.  I also have two separate stations that allow students to begin their calculations for stations already completed.

Then at the end of class, I give them time to finish their calculations.  Doing it this way allows me to help groups with the math if needed.  I always collect scorecards and double check math until the next time I see the class and then announce the results.  Each station is scored the same:

  • 1st place = 10pts
  • 2nd = 8pts
  • 3rd = 6pts
  • 4th = 5 pts
  • 5th = 4pts
  • 6th = 3pts
  • 7th = 2pts
  • 8th = 1pt

You can set the values however you choose, just make sure that teams can earn at least one point at each station.

Floor Hockey Skill Stations

Here are 6 stations that I recommend for the Skills Championship. I am attaching Floor Hockey Skills Championship Station Cards for you to print, as well as the Floor Hockey Skills Championship Scorecard.

Scoring: Average all team members’ total time or shots made at each station.  So, for example, if it is a timed dribbling station, students will write down their time to the nearest second, and round up to the next second.  After each student has finished, they average the time and write the average time on their scorecard.

Floor Hockey Skill Speed DribblingStation 1 – Speed Dribbling

At this station, students dribble from the starting point to the cone at the other end and back as fast as they can.  They must stay in their designated lane, but if they go outside of their lane, it is a 5 second penalty.

Time starts when a student begins dribbling and stops when a student crosses the line. Record time on the scorecard.

Station 2 – Slap Shot off a Pass

At this station, each team member will take 5 slap shots off a pass from a teammate.  The shot must be taken outside of the arc and the shooter can decide where they would like the pass to come from, either the left or right side of the arc. Record shots made on the scorecard.

Station 3– Long Pass

At this station, students will make a long pass for accuracy.  Each team member will make 5 passes and the pass must be made behind the line or it counts as a miss. Record passes completed on the scorecard.

Station 4 – Scorecard Checkpoint

At this station, students take the time to start their math calculations to determine their team’s average score at the stations they have completed.

Floor Hockey Skill Cone DribbleStation 5 – Cone Dribble

At this station, students dribble from the start point and weave around each cone to the other line and back as fast as they can.  Again, they must stay in their lane and if they go outside of it, they receive a 5 second penalty. Time starts when a student begins dribbling and stops when a student crosses the line. Record time on the scorecard.

Station 6 – Partner Pass

At this station, students pass to a partner.  This will involve 2 team members at a time, with the third team member timing.  Each partner will have the opportunity to be the timer, and everyone needs to be partners with everyone on the team.

Once the timer says “Go”, a student must complete 6 passes to his/her partner so that the partner does NOT have to leave the box!  If a partner has to leave a box to receive a pass, it does NOT count as one of the 6 passes. The timer stops the clock once the 6th pass is completed. Record time on the scorecard.

Floor Hockey Skill Partner Pass

Station 7 – Penalty Shot Knock Down

At this station, students take penalty shots and try to knock down the cup target with each shot.  One partner goes at a time, while the other partners set the cup on the numbered tape marks.  Each student takes 5 shots at this station.

  • Shots 1 and 3 = cup on blue tape
  • Shots 2 and 4 = cup on red tape
  • Shot 5 = student chooses which color tape the cup is placed on.

Record shots made on the scorecard.

Floor Hockey Skill Penalty Shot

Station 8 – Scorecard Checkpoint

At this station, students take the time to start their math calculations to determine the team’s average score at the completed stations.

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